Newly Elected Officials Conference Agenda

Building a solid leadership foundation begins with AML’s Newly Elected Officials (NEO) Seminar. It is one of Alaska’s most highly regarded training programs for local leaders. Officials who would like a refresher course and those who are newly elected to office are invited to attend. The NEO Seminar takes place on Monday, November 9th – Tuesday, November 10th. A separate registration fee is required. A $50 discount is offered for NEO participants who also attend the Local Government Conference.

Sessions conducted via Zoom, including with teleconference option
All materials will be sent ahead of time

Monday, November 9

8:30 am Networking and facilitated discussion

9:00 am Opening Remarks and Introduction to AML
• Nils Andreassen, Executive Director, Alaska Municipal League 
• Stu Graham, President, Board of Directors 

9:45 am Break

10:00 am Local Government 101 – Introduction to Title 29
• Fred Smith, Local Government Specialist, DCRA 
• Andy Durny, Local Government Specialist, DCRA 

10:45 am Break

11:00 am Roles and Responsibilities of Municipal Officials
• Robert Palmer, Attorney, City and Borough of Juneau 
• Holly Wells, Attorney, Birch Horton and Bittner 

Noon Break for lunch

1:00 pm Budgets and Government Accounting
• Max Mertz, Mertz and Associates 

2:00 pm Break

2:30 pm Local Taxation
• Joseph Caissie, Office of the State Assessor 

3:15 pm Break

3:30 pm Lobbying Process
• Dianne Blumer, Blumer and Associates 

4:30 pm Adjourn for day

Tuesday, November 10

8:30 am Networking and facilitated discussion

9:00 am Ethics and Conflict of Interest
• Matt Mead, Landye, Bennett, Blumstein LLP 

10:15 am Break

10:30 am Open Meetings Act
• Jill Dolan, Attorney, Fairbanks North Star Borough 
• Michael Gatti, Attorney, Jermaine, Dunnagan & Owens PC 

Noon Break for lunch

1:00 pm Quasi-Judicial Role and Ex Parte Contact
• Jill Dolan, Attorney, Fairbanks North Star Borough 
• Michael Gatti, Attorney, Jermaine, Dunnagan & Owens PC 

1:45 pm Break

2:00 pm Parliamentary Procedure and Conducting Meetings
• Sheri Pierce, City Clerk, City of Valdez

3:00 pm Break

3:15pm Questions and Answers with Experienced Municipal Officials
• Barbara Jones, Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Anchorage 
• Gregg Brelsford, Interim Manager 

4:30 pm Adjourn