Business Meeting Resources

Alaska Municipal League’s Annual Business Meeting will occur at the Annual Local Government Conference on Friday, December 13, 2024. At the Business Meeting, the AML membership will discuss, vote on, and adopt the 2025 Resolutions. Members may submit Resolutions for consideration, no later than October 18, 2024, to be added to the Draft Resolution Packet that will be distributed to the AML membership on October 25. Submitted resolutions will then be voted on by the AML Membership at the Friday, December 13th, 2024, AML Business meeting.

Current AML Resolutions and Policy Statement

For further information on how to submit resolutions and other resolution guidelines, please refer to the Resolution Guidelines.

Priorities, Resolutions & Position Statements
AML’s Policy Statement are updated on a biennial basis to coincide with the Legislative Session.

Legislative Committee  

AML’s Legislative Committee is an active group that focuses on developing strategy, and honing AML’s advocacy efforts. Join the Legislative Committee by filling out the form below.  By joining the Legislative Committee, you are committing to attending three in-person meetings each year (AML’s Winter Legislative Conference, Summer Legislative Conference and Annual Local Government Conference), and participating in weekly calls during Legislative Session.

AML Board Of Director Openings
Interested in becoming more involved in the Alaska Municipal League? Why not run for a seat on the Board of Directors? AML Board Members must be a Mayor or another elected member of the governing body of your municipality, be able to be present at a majority of the AML Board meetings, and have authorization to commit financial support from your municipality for active participation.