Conference Agendas

Draft Agenda

Please Note:  The agenda is being actively updated, affiliate agendas will be available here.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - VIRTUAL

Newly Elected Officials

9:00 am               Budgets and Government Accounting

10:30 am             Break

11:00 am             Lobbying Effectively

Noon                    Break for lunch

1:00 pm               Ethics and Conflict of Interest

2:30 pm               Break

3:00 pm               Introduction to Title 29 or Title 29 for Experts

4:30pm                Adjourn

Monday, December 9, 2024

Newly Elected Officials                                                                             Tikahtnu B

  Affiliate Meetings

  • AAMC Tikahtnu C/D
  • AMMA Kahtnu 2
  • AAAO Kahtnu 1
  • ACoM Tikahtnu B
  • AMAA Tikahtnu E/F

5:30 PM               ACoM President’s Reception                                                                  Tikahtnu B


Monday, December 9 – Newly Elected Officials Training                              Ballroom B

8:00am                Breakfast

8:30am                Welcome and Introductions

9:00am                Open Meetings Act

10:30 am             Quasi-Judicial Role and Ex-Parte Contact

Noon                    Lunch – Introduction to Alaska Municipal League

  • Nils Andreassen, Executive Director

1:00pm                Roles and Responsibilities of Municipal Officials

2:30pm                Parliamentary Procedure

4:30pm                Adjourn

5:30pm                ACoM – President’s Legislative Reception                           K’enakatnu

  • Invited – First-time Attendees, Newly Elected Officials, Mayors + Legislators
Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Affiliate Meetings

  • AAMC Tikahtnu C/D
  • AMMA Kahtnu 2
  • AAAO Kahtnu 1
  • ACoM Tikahtnu B
  • AMAA Tikahtnu E/F

4:30pm                Alaska Municipal Health Trust Annual Meeting                                K’enakatnu

Attended by current plan participants for annual business meeting of Trustees; open to everyone. Light appetizers provided.

6:00pm                Alaska Association of Municipal Clerks – Annual Banquet             Tikahtnu A


Tuesday, December 5    Alaska Conference of Mayors                                                  Ballroom B 

8:00am                Breakfast

                              Welcome Remarks and Introductions

9:00am                Plenary Session

10:00am              Break

10:30am              Roundtable Discussions

Noon                    Lunch and Keynote

1:00pm                Concurrent Sessions

3:00pm                ACoM Annual Business Meeting

Election of Officers 

4:30pm                Adjourn

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

8:00 am               Breakfast                                                                                                    Tikahtnu Ballroom

  • Announcements

9:00 am               Opening Session                                                                                         Tikahtnu Ballroom

  • Welcome – Beth Weldon, President, Alaska Municipal League
  • Land Acknowledgement
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Welcome – Mayor, Municipality of Anchorage
  • Welcome – Mayor David Sander, City of Rancho Cordova, NLC President
  • Welcome – NACo President
  • Members of the Congressional Delegation

9:45 am               AML – Year in Review                                                                                Tikahtnu Ballroom

10:15 am             Break                                                                                                            Foyer

10:30 am             State of the State                                                                                       Tikahtnu Ballroom

  • Meet your Legislature – invitations extended to legislators-elect

12:00 pm             Lunch & Keynote                                                                                      Tikahtnu Ballroom

  • Noah Galloway

1:15 pm               Break                                                                                                           Foyer

1:30 pm               Concurrent Sessions

  • Snow Maintenance & Removal Strategies                                                                Kahtnu 1
  • Integrating Land Use, Housing, Policy, & Zoning (#buildingcodes)                      Kahtnu 2
  • Police Accreditation — COPS Award & Recruitment                                              Tubughnenq 3
  • Municipal Family of Plans & the Planning Process                                                Tubughnenq 4
  • Grant Management Life Cycle                                                                                   Tubughnenq 5

2:45 pm               Networking Break                                                                                       Exhibit Hall

  • Lightening Talks at the coffee cart

3:00 pm               Concurrent Sessions

  • Relevant Rules & Regulations                                                                                   Kahtnu 1
  • Strategic Planning & Being Strategic with CIP’s                                                     Kahtnu 2
  • Role of Local Governments in Child Care Investment                                           Tubughnenq 3
  • Finding Funding and Partnerships in Unlikely Places                                           Tubughnenq 4
  • Teamwork makes the dream work                                                                            Tubughnenq 5

4:15 pm               Exhibitor Showcase                      

4:30 pm               Networking in the AMLounge

  • Lightening Talks

4:30 pm               Committee Meetings                                                                                               K’enakatnu

  • Legislative Committee
  • Resolutions Committee

The AML Legislative and Resolutions Committee will conduct this formal meeting to 1) review and provide for members’ consideration legislation that impacts local governments, and 2) develop and approve AML 2025 resolutions and the 2025-26 Policy & Positions Statement, for action at the Annual Business Meeting.

5:00 pm               Nominating Committee                                                                                           K’enakatnu

The AML Nominating Committee will conduct this formal meeting to develop and approve the final candidate slate for the AML board of directors.

5:30 pm               AML Projects Showcase & Silent Auction                                                             Tikahtnu A

7:30 pm               Adjourn Day One

Thursday, December 12, 2024

7:30 am               Registration                                                                                                  2nd Floor Landing

7:30 am               Breakfast and AMLJIA Business Meeting                                            Tikahtnu Ballroom

8:30 am               Announcements

8:45 am               Concurrent Sessions

  • Workforce – Doing Less with Less and How to Prioritize                                      Kahtnu 1
  • Drugs & Public Safety                                                                                               Kahtnu 2
  • Competitive Bidding Processes                                                                              Tubughnenq 3
  • Where are all the planners & Planning Methodologies for planners                   Tubughnenq 4
  • Drafting Short Term Rental Regulations                                                                Tubughnenq 5

10:15 am             Networking Break

  • Lightening Talks at the coffee cart                                                                           

10:30 am             Concurrent Sessions

  • Assessments & Property Tax – What Every Local Government Should Know   Kahtnu 1
  • Toruism – Do Healthy Public Pocketbooks Make Healthy Communities?           Kahtnu 2
  • How Technology Can Support the Municipal Planning Process                         Tubughnenq 3
  • Grant Management: What Funding Agencies Want You To Know                       Tubughnenq 4  
  • Collaboration in Process                                                                                         Tubughnenq 5

11:45 am             Break    

12:00 pm             Annual Awards  Luncheon                                                                     Tikahtnu Ballroom

Moderated by Beth Weldon, President, Alaska Municipal League

  • Elected Official of the Year
  • Municipal Employee of the Year
  • Vic Fischer Lifetime Service Award
  • Emerging Municipal Leader Award
  • Municipal Innovation Awards

1:00 pm               AML Membership Announcements                                                                     Tikahtnu Ballroom

                              Moderated by Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League                                           

  • Resolution Committee – update to members for 2025 submitted resolutions
  • Nominating Committee – update to members on the slate of AML Board candidates
  • Board Candidates – candidate one-minute intros

1:30 pm               Concurrent Sessions

  • Public “Camping,” A Post-Grant’s Pass World, & Managing Instability in your Comm. Kahtnu 1
  • Tax Trends & Marketplace Facilitators                                                                                 Kahtnu 2
  • Safer Streets are for Everyone; Where Transportation & Land Use Meet                       Tubughnenq 3
  • Public Comment: The Good, The Bad, The Legal                                                              Tubughnenq 4
  • Opportunity Atlas (NLC)                                                                                                       Tubughnenq 5

2:45 pm               Ice Cream Social and Exhibitor Drawing

3:15 pm               Concurrent Sessions

  • Asset Management                                                                                                                 Kahtnu 1
  • Housing Action Plans & The Need for Localized Data                                                        Kahtnu 2
  • AI Session                                                                                                                               Tubughnenq 3
  • Health Impact Assessments                                                                                                  Tubughnenq 4
  • Communication Strategizing                                                                                                 Tubughnenq 5

5:30 pm               Game Night!                                                                                                Tikahtnu A

A fun event to socialize and reconnect.   

8:00 pm               Adjourn Day Two

Friday, December 13, 2024

7:30 am               Breakfast

8:00 am               AMLIP Annual Meeting                                                                            Tubughnenq 3-5

                              Jointly with the Alaska Government Finance Officers Association

Moderated by Cheyenne Heindel, President, AMLIP Board of Directors

  • Investment Manager Report – Market Dynamics
  • Custodian Report – Membership, Participation, and Utilization
  • Investment Advisor Report
  • AMLIP Board Elections
    • Announcing 2025 Board of Directors
    • Election of Officers

9:00 am               Alaska Municipal League Annual Business Meeting                        Tubughnenq 3-5

                              President’s Report

  • Beth Weldon

Director’s Report

  • Nils Andreassen, Executive Director


Vote for new board members and officers

Legislative and Resolutions Committee

Chaired by Lisa Parker, Vice President

  • Priority & Position Statements
  • Resolutions

Election Results

Lobbying the Legislature


11:30 am             Adjourn Annual Conference